Complaints policy

Our customer service team will thoroughly investigate any complaints and endeavor to find a satisfactory solution for you. We take all feedback seriously and are dedicated to enhancing our services based on client input. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we are committed to addressing any concerns you may have in a prompt and efficient manner.

Please provide as much detail as possible when reaching out to us, including any relevant documentation or evidence to support your complaint. This will enable us to better comprehend the situation and work towards a resolution more effectively. We appreciate your feedback and thank you for bringing any issues to our attention. We value your business and aim to ensure that you have a positive experience with our services.

How to complain.

Initially, we recommend that you address your complaint directly to the individual you have been in contact with at the organisation. Typically, they are the most suitable person to assist in resolving the issue.

Should you encounter difficulty reaching your regular contact within our organisation or if your efforts have proven fruitless, feel free to contact our client service partners at [email protected] or by calling 020 8865 1942. Our committed team will make certain that your issues are relayed to our complaints department.

You can also submit a complaint to the following postal address:

General Practice Solutions
71-75 Shelton Street

Concerns / complaints we can deal with.

Our complaints department is equipped to handle complaints from individuals who have been directly impacted by our operations, which includes grievances regarding our employees or contractors. Additionally, you have the option to file a complaint on behalf of another person with their permission. This individual could be a family member or someone under your care.

Examples of what you can complain about include where you think we have:

  • Made administrative mistakes. (such as providing the wrong information or taking longer than we said we would to do something)
    • Behaved in an unprofessional way.
    • Not followed our policies and procedures.
    • Failed to meet the terms of a contract.

    Concerns / complaints we cannot deal with, and these include:

    • Requests to speed up our client services.
    • Employment issues from current or past workers.
    • Disputes with suppliers about contracts.
    • Complaints against NHS bodies, local councils and other organisations that we work with.
    • Complaints about the care received by one of our client providers.



    • You should contact us within one year of becoming aware of the issues relating to the complaint.
    • We will acknowledge your complaint with 48 hours.
    • We aim to investigate and respond to complaints within six weeks but if this is not achievable, we will inform you beforehand.


    Next steps.

    • If we can take forward your complaint, we will let you know how the investigation will work. We may ask you to provide more information to help us.
    • When we have completed the investigation, we will tell you what we found, and, if appropriate, what we are doing to put things right.


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